Kuan Poojan


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Kuan Poojan Ceremony

Why kua pujan is done?

The Kuan Pujan Ceremony is usually performed after about a month of delivery. This ceremony is celebrated in different aspects with geographically diverse rituals. The ceremony is performed to signify the cleanliness of the mother and baby. In which women go to a well to pray for the well-being of a Baby Boy Child.

The word “KUAN” means well. This practice is said to be thousand of years old.

In this puja ceremony, The women usually go to a well, accompanied by Dhols and Nagadas. The mother of the child worships at the well followed up by the certain gifts that are exchanged between relatives and the mother of the child after the ceremony comes to an end. After this, the mother-child is bathed with lukewarm water and new clothes are worn.

This worship, in its independent form, was originally created to strengthen the value of water in one’s life and the need to always protecting it. Our team has a wide range of well curated design concepts and themes to give a religious celebration that you would cherish for your whole life. We understand, how important every auspicious celebration and occasion is for parents after the birth of a child? And hence, we want to make each and every moment special for you!

The professional team of BabyBless would help you arrange the Kua Pujan Ceremony in the best way possible. From designing the invitation cards for your ceremony to arranging the priests for you and even taking care of the photo sessions with our specialized team of photographers, we will do it all for you.

Your path to having a wonderful motherhood experience

To discuss your needs, get an estimate, or arrange a consultation, get in touch with us right now.

We are so excited to share in your wonderful journey!